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Welcome to the place where Yin and Yang Emerges.
The theme: take care of your body, your whole self.
: : :
Feed it.
Water it.
Stretch it.
Strengthen it.
Become rooted,
use tools that will
ground & flourish you.
Knowing yin & yang is in
everything. Remember these
things & your self will thank you.

Hi, I am Tif, certified 200-hour yoga teacher. I’m here to help you on this journey of taking care of your body, your whole self. I am a mother of two beautiful children, a graphic arts creative and have a love for health and wellness.

My journey on this path began well into my youth. I have had a fairly active lifestyle from being a cheerleader in both grade school and high school. Once I entered college, I continued on this path with starting a membership at the local gym. Here, my eyes really opened up to all the ways one could be physically healthy. I explored all within the fitness world- trying out Pilates, yoga, weight training, and more. Simultaneous to working on myself physically I became more aware of what I was eating and its impacts.

Researching health topics almost felt like my part time job throughout college! It was all I did in my free time. In doing so, I learned so much and my interest in this realm continued to grow and grow.

I fulfilled of a long-term goal when I became a certified yoga teacher! I am so happy to have acquired this advanced knowledge. Yoga is truly something I will take with me throughout my life to the end. It is one of those activities that goes beyond just the physical. It is a practice that I see myself continuing to evolve in and share with others to help them too on their journey to health and wellness. Because we all should take care of body, our whole self. Sometimes we just need a lending hand along the way, may I be that for you


Ready to rejuvenate mind & body? Book your session now with Y&Y Emerge! Elevate your wellness journey today. #Yoga #MindBodyBalance

Y&Y Emerge

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